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What is Virechana karma?
Panchakarma therapy includes the elimination of increasing doshas from the body to maintain the condition of health for a longer time. It prevents the body from diseases or helps in treating them in the most effective manner.
Types of Virechana karma
1. Anulomana
2. Sansarjana
3. Bhedana
4. Rechana


1. Flushes out the toxins and excess mucus from the GI tract and improves digestion.
2. Clears congestion from the liver and improves metabolism and fat digestion.
3. Gets relief in many gastrointestinal disorders.
4. It improves the condition of skin disorders like rashes and allergies.
5. It helps in treating diseases like constipation, piles, acidity, ulcers, liver, jaundice, and inflammation.
6. Cleanses body from poisoning.
7. Relieves from headache, anemia, and pain in the large intestine.
8. It helps manage diabetes and heart diseases.
9. Reduces gynecological disorders